20 years ago, my life altered once again!

My dad died unexpectedly after spending two weekends in a row watching hockey together. Once in Detroit and once in Chicago.

The way my mother delivered the news to me was to tell me ‘Your dad is with Todd.’

Few words stated. But I knew instantly!

My little family of four was now down to two. My mother and me.

Any time I have share this on social media, I get feedback that is unwanted. It is always so strange.

I honor the day that died differently than I honor his birthday. The day that he died changed me and who I was forever. Not honoring that is not honoring myself.It is easy for others to judge when they have not been through it OR they have not resolved within them their own grief.

Being 26 and only having my mother was a huge loss for her, me and the both of us.

My dad had been my strong but silent force in my life. His kindness and compassion and love for hockey is what I continue to carry with me.

It is CRAZY that my life was altered 20 years ago for the second time in my life.
Much love,
Categories: Life Coaching