Congratulations! The Oscar goes to YOU!

I purchased this mock Oscar statue to remind myself of all the bs stories that I tell myself that I believe are real. The fact is that I lie to myself to keep my own narrative alive and thriving. I am playing a character I have invented to make me always be a hero.

Therefore, I deserve this plastic award!

It does make me laugh when I do see it because I am reminded that I create myself to be whomever I want to be.

Most times it is not to my own advantage. Most times it is cruel and mean what my internal voice tells myself.

What stories do you create that are not true, but you believe to be true?

Think you do not have stories? You are mistaken. Stories are cultivated when something happens and then you add a meaning to what happened. Then you feel what you feel to fit the narrative of this story.

An example – I ask my spouse if I can use a pillow of his. He lets me one night, but the following night he takes it and hides it. I make this mean (story) that he does not care about my neck pain I am experiencing. Is this true? Probably not. 

However, have I had a conversation about this with him? No.

The longer I keep this narrative alive, I get to think I am the victim, and he is the villain.

You might be thinking this is ridiculous, but I can guarantee that you have your own version of this story with someone you care about. 

The longer I keep refraining to talking to him about this, the longer I get to keep this story alive. Added bonus is everyone I tell my version of what happened will see the ‘facts’ I present to them and know that I am justified in what I am experiencing. My husband is a jerk for not letting me use a pillow.

And this is how we win Oscars in our lives!

What is one way you are currently winning an Oscar?

Much love,
Categories: Life Coaching