One of the things I have been hearing more and more about over the last decade is ‘affirmations’. Insert a Trudi 🙄 here.

Personally, I have always not been a fan of affirmations. Why? Because when I do not believe them, it energetically feels a little wishy washy. It is a hope it happens.

However, I can get onboard with declarations. Declarations come from a more empowered place than an affirmation. You are declaring it within!

Even when I googled ‘common affirmations’, it pulled up ‘affirmations to try’. Hysterical. They added the word try to the search which makes sense. 

Trying is not a way to talk powerfully. Trying is a victim stance.

One of the things I love to do is shift the language people use. Instead of saying ‘try’ I have told people to say ‘must’. When I shared this with someone, they commented how it felt worse than saying try. What I was able to see is that they have a tendency to not make commitments in their world. They are committed to a life of ‘trying’.

Commitment is a form of a declaration. It is where ownership resides.

If you say that you are 90% committed, you still are not fully committed. The 10% is a place where the excuses can creep in since you were not fully committed.

Have you ever been planning with someone and the respond with ‘that should work’? Let me guess…it didn’t work. Why? Because there was no commitment. 

When you book a flight, do they send you a confirmation or an email that says, ‘you should be booked’? Exactly. 

However, with humans we all live in the land of should’s and try’s. It is non-committal. There is no declaration.

If you want to change your life, the first place to look is the words you say. Are you declaring your life or are you being a bystander to your life?

Much love,
Categories: Life Coaching