Yesterday, I realized that consciousness and awareness are basically the same thing. 😳

You would think being in this coaching world that I would know this, but nope – no clue!

It made me laugh at myself! Always learning! 

This is the definition that I saw – Consciousness refers to your individual awareness of your unique thoughts, memories, feelings, sensations, and environments. Essentially, your consciousness is your awareness of yourself and the world around you. This awareness is subjective and unique to you.

Reading that it makes complete sense.

I talk about how everything starts with being aware that something exists for you. This is where you can get in your power because from that space you can CHOOSE. 

Much of the way we show up in the world is in our subconscious thoughts! When we are not actively choosing, we keep doing the same things over and over and getting the same results.

When you step outside your comfort zone to see how the world truly is rather than the way you’ve always thought it was, you can start to have access to transformation in your life.

Last week I gathered awareness in a different way. I pushed myself to go network with other powerful women. 

As I was talking to one woman, I noticed she was not listening to me. I’ve decided moving forward, I will call this out immediately as I do not need to hear myself speak. I am already aware that I offer wisdom and if you cannot listen to me after I listened to you, I will move on to talk to someone else.

Why do this? Because THIS is a perfect example of how honoring myself is a core value of mine. By not saying anything to her, I allowed that sliver of doubt in who I am creep into my own narrative. This is no longer acceptable to me. 

I understand I am not for everyone. Therefore, when they are unable to be present with me, then I am aware that they are not ready to hear what I have to say. I will send them with love! 

Being conscious of this will open up to those who want to hear what I have to say because I have so much wisdom to share with those who are open.

I am noticing I want to ask you a question to hear what you have to say on this topic of awareness/consciousness, but it has been a long time since someone responded to me, so I send you love instead!

Much love,
Categories: Life Coaching