Do you fear rejection?! I certainly do!

Months ago, I was kicked off my co-ed soccer team. In fact, this year I was kicked off two soccer teams.

I stood up for myself in both situations. A line was crossed for me that I would not tolerate being talked to the way I was. The first team I spoke up when the captain told me all I do is bitch. (For the record a woman being assertive is not bitching just like a man being assertive is not bitching!) The second team I asked the captain to be kind to the teammates rather than yelling at us.

We live in a society that has taught us to be nice. Nice is ‘sucking’ it up for the other person’s comfort. I don’t believe in being nice. I believe in being kind.

There is a HUGE difference. Kind is saying the things that need to be said in love, but not allowing someone to talk inappropriately to you. I was rejected by both captains of the teams. And while it did hurt like hell, I was able to be released from the catabolic energy I was experiencing from both of the teams.

Knowing everything is energy helped support me through this time. Rather than making them wrong (I am human so there were moments I did make them completely wrong!) I was able to see how I no longer energetically aligned to the teams.

Going through grief of losing them I was able to release the catabolic energy and shift to an anabolic energy of peace.

While in both of these situations I did not chose to be rejected, I did get to choose how I wanted to show up afterwards. In our society I could have easily taken the road of victim energy, but instead I let it go for the betterment of my own mental health.

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Much love,
Categories: Life Coaching