There are several ‘C’ words that circle my world. All of my themes for the newsletters in 2023 start with a ‘C’. Even my overall theme of the year (choose) is a ‘C’ word too.

My four-step process I take my clients is clear, commit, communication, and create.

The very first thing on everything is that we need to get clear! Once we get clear, we are able to commit to what we want. Next, we are able to communicate what we want so we can create the reality we are stepping into.

I feel like you are saying to yourself, Trudi why are you telling of this. Great that you have themes and a system, but why do I need to care about this?

For me it all comes back to …what commitments do you need to make to create to get a future you choose?

When your day gets to one of overwhelm, it is not a time management issue that has you all in a twist, but rather it is your commitment management.

Because when you are not clear to what you are committed to, you tend to get busy of not having enough time. And this circles back to being ‘involved’ rather than ‘committed’.The lack of clearly defined commitments will open the door to you saying ‘yes’ way too often and ‘no’ not nearly enough.

When you are unclear on your commitments, you procrastinate. When you are clear on your commitments, you take action.

When you are unclear on your commitment, you talk about your job. When you are clear on your commitment, you do your job.

When you are unclear on your commitment, you maintain your image. When you are clear on your commitment, you maintain your integrity.

When you are unclear on your commitment, you are dull and confused. When you are clear on your commitment, you are intentional and direct.

When I created my four-step process, I was not thinking about what this email has shared with you. It came from my expectation workshop. It is perfectly aligned with the importance of getting clear and committed. It is where it all starts!

Where do you see where you are unclear about your commitments?

Much love,
Categories: Life Coaching