‘I do not feel like it!’

Have you ever said this? Personally, I am incredibly guilty of this. The area this comes up the most often is my relationship to working out.

I never feel like it.

But my ‘feelings’ do not matter in this situation. ‘Feelings’ do not help me actually work out.

What matters is if I show up and work out.

Keeping my word when I say I am going to do it plays a bigger part than what I am feeling.

Feelings are an energy. Also, feelings are not stagnant. So if I am not feeling it at one moment that can change. I am feeling something different when I am working out and feeling something different again when I complete my workout. 

However, we have built a culture that believes our feelings need to be given a voice.

Feelings (along with correlating thoughts) all resonate at an energy level. None are right and none are wrong. Just where they resonate at a given time.

Rather than using your feelings to gauge where you are at a better question to ask is – am I committed? Or am I not committed. It is that simple.

Your commitment will let you know what is important. The feeling will follow as a result. Not the other way around.

Much love,
Categories: Life Coaching