Do you do have an intention for the year?

2022 for me was all about CONNECTION!

Being someone who loves numbers, the 2-2 signaled connection to me. Therefore, I made it my theme for the year.

It started out where I knew that after 2020 and 2021, I had isolated myself from others. (Can you relate?)

I reached out to a community that I wanted to start to cultivate friendships. I committed to inviting people once a month to connect.

Truthfully, I made it to June of organizing and then July – December the group that formed helped me continue it going.

Also, I made a post on social media about wanting to connect with people. People I had not heard from in YEARS connected with me. 

It was what I needed to shift my energy from isolated back into connection. I started to feel more like the Trudi I knew and loved.

However, what is interesting to me is that the biggest connection I had this year was with MYSELF. Who knew that I would be my own best connection?! Certainly not me!

Even though I may preach about filling your cup up first, I may not have always followed my own advice.

In January I listened to 47 audiobooks. And I thought to myself, how many books could I actually read in a year? (I will hit around 480 books for the year!) While listening to the audiobooks, I would put jigsaw puzzles together.

Also, I went all in on being sober. I had mostly stopped drinking in 2020, but one last hurrah reminded me that I no longer was okay with feeling like shit after I drink. I am proud that I chose this for ME.

These two things helped me get VERY comfortable with myself. I no longer could hide from what I was experiencing. I needed to deal with my emotions since I no longer had unhealthy coping skills. 

What ended up happening was I realized I really do like to hang out with myself. I am fun!

Simultaneously I was connecting with others, and I was connecting to the true essence of who I am.

As this year comes to a close, I am in deep gratitude for my intention exceeding my own expectations.

My hope is for you that 2022 has been a wonderful year!

Much love,
Categories: Life Coaching