Continuing what I started on Thursday. The why question is very limiting and judging.

I remember clearly listening to my mom constantly saying, Why? Why me? after my brother died. 

I did not see at the time, but this was keeping her stuck in the energy of grief. While it is 100% normal and healthy to grieve, relieving the question of ‘why’ will never be answered.

Even if she found an answer of ‘why’ would she have believed it? I have a hard time believing she would have.

So when you keep asking ‘why’, do you a.) ever find the answer b.) if you find the answer, are you satisfied with the answer?

I have talked about the 7 levels of leadership and constantly asking ‘why’ is a Level 1 (which is victim energy) is where the ‘why’ resonates. It keeps you constantly asking why so you do not need to move forward. You get to resonate in the energy of being apathetic and lethargic. It aligns.

I have had clients that constantly want to know ‘why’ and I question why it important. There is never an answer that is satisfactory.

Play a game this week of how often you can hear others (bonus if you catch yourself!) ask ‘why’. You will be astounded how often it is uttered.

At a networking I noticed it over and over again. And then people wonder why life is ‘hard’. It is because you are operating in a victim energy.

Categories: Life Coaching