What would change if we stopped saying…

Right & Wrong ~ Good & Bad ~ Positive & Negative

And instead used…

Advantage & Disadvantage ~ Catabolic & Anabolic ~ Masculine & Feminine

EVERYTHING would change.

Now I know what you are thinking. Trudi, that is a bold statement.

Well I am here to make bold statements! 

The reason it would change everything is that you would no longer be using judgment to describe everything. Instead, you would be using energy.

If you did not catch it before, nothing is good or bad. Everything is neutral!

Taking judgment out is a game changer. It allows it to just be. To just be experienced, observed, or witnessed. You get to remove the identity you are associating to.

Confession, I have this tendency to say, ‘you’re being a victim’. Recently, I have realized I have been attaching an identity to them ‘being’ a victim. Now I am conscious to say, ‘victim energy’. This way I am removing the identity piece.

It is like saying, ‘I failed’ versus ‘I am a failure’. The first states what happened. The second takes it on as an identity. 

Since words are important, I have been doing my best to catch myself when I attach identity to words.

Much love,


Categories: Life Coaching