It is that time of the year!

Can you feel the pressure?

Whether it is quality time with family, wanting the perfect gifts for others, or something else around the holiday season, we have hit the time of year where expectations are rampant. 

Several conversations I have had recently is energy has been off because they are feeling this unspoken pressure. 

I mean there is a song, ‘Its the most wonderful time of the year’ that is played for the season.

Being transparent – as someone who has not had the picture perfect life, this is ANYTHING but a wonderful time of year. Now maybe you may think, this is not me Trudi. Then I will be honest this email is not for you. Go and enjoy your happy time of the year with my sincerest wishes.

This email is for you if you have had to stare at an empty chair during this alleged ‘happy’ time of year.

Maybe you’ve lost a loved one. Maybe your family is now in two households. Maybe you are spending this time alone.

I see you!

So I know you are asking yourself how am I supposed to release the pressure Trudi?

First step is acknowledge it is there.

This does not seem to be that big of a deal, but in truth it is EVERYTHING!

This is how you release the pressure. When you stop ignoring the elephant in the room, you stop suppressing what is really and present for you.  

So many times, when I was going through my heaviest moments of grief, many and I mean many people tried to ignore that elephant in the room and even would tell me that it was okay or whatever was true for them. They meant well AND they added to the pressure. It was such bull shit.

I felt like I was kicked when I was down. I wasn’t doing it ‘right’ when and I was grieving.

The moments when someone sat with me in the pain and acknowledged that it sucked, where the moments pressure was released.

So, how do you release the pressure. Find someone it is safe to have them acknowledge what you are going through is hard and honestly sucks. It is in being witnessed in your pain you can move forward by being seen and heard.

If you do not have someone, let me know. I will witness you in your own truth without projecting my stuff onto you!

Much love,
Categories: Life Coaching