They say that if you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. And if you are being you are in the present.

“If you are depressed you are living in the past.
If you are anxious you are living in the future.
If you are at peace you are living in the present.”
― Lao Tzu

Depending on where you are in your journey, the above statement may be triggering to you if you are residing in the past of the future.

The thing is you are ONLY ever in the present. But your mindset tells you where you are which you believe to be the truth.

Let’s play with this – Imagine you are at a hockey game. (If you know me, this is not surprising!)

Before you get to the game, you are anticipating what is going to happen. This is the anxious feeling if you let it consume you.

The ride home you talk about what occurred during the game. Whether you enjoyed the outcome or were upset with the outcome, you are now talking about the past.

During the game as you are watching, you are living in the moment and being present to the game.

This example shows an easier way to see the past, future and present with a little less emotional charge. Now granted I am emotional charged about hockey; however, my personal life is way different type of an emotional energy.

The thing is that you can do absolutely NOTHING about the past or future rather than ruminate over it. You cannot change it since one happened and one hasn’t happened yet. All you are doing is overthinking about it and shifting your own energy to an unhealthy mindset.

The sweet spot is being in the moment or being present. What I like to call BEING! This is the space where you can take action and do something. Such as have that conversation you’ve been overthinking about. 

What are you feeling when you are in the moment? Typically for me I am feeling good and see myself being in my flow.

The same cannot be said about the anxious and depressed moments.

The BEauty of Being is it is simple. (Not necessarily easy) Yet we complicate it by shifting from being in our flow to being in an energy that meets our subconscious mindset.

Where can you see living in your past or future is hurting your emotional and mental health?

Much love,
Categories: Life Coaching