Thank you for being a part of my newsletter! I write these messages for myself and sometimes I need to hear them more than I know! I wouldn’t keep writing if no one read them or ever responded.

The last couple of emails have been about making meaning out of things.

Funny thing is I REALLY needed to let that sink in again!

I hope you are pausing and applying it to your world as well by asking ‘what do I make this mean?’.

Currently I have been doing a big push to put myself out there by asking people for referrals. It has been challenging since our culture pushes us to not talk about the raw and real emotions of life. 

So it makes people super uncomfortable when you ask them to share. Because like in the movie Fight Club the first rule in society is ‘we don’t talk about our feelings.’

Applying my what do I make this mean to myself, I was making it mean that people see me as desperate, nagging, and all things negative. That is my story and meaning I am adding onto it. It is not true.

Those who have been willing to share my commitment on normalizing the conversation around grief have all really appreciated what I am doing and have even said so.

Hence why am I believing in the first story? Because this is challenging and out of my comfort zone. It means I have to be seen and witnessed. It means I have to deal with our society norm response and get retriggered of my own experience when no one would witness my pain.

Life gives us challenges to embrace. But what if challenges were just seen as experiences? Would that change the narrative of what comes up for us?

I know it did for me! After writing out the emails, I shifted my story back to the purpose of my commitment. It was freeing and exciting. 

At the end of the day, I do not want anyone to have to experience what I did when they found themselves all alone without support. My mission is bigger than myself serving narrative of being a nag.

So thank you for being here and letting me share my wisdom so I could hear it for myself.

Much love,
Categories: Life Coaching