What is your favorite gift you ever have received? 

Me, I am not a fan of gifts. Possibly because my last moment with my brother was exchanging gifts. So my favorite gifts always come from giving of your time in the moments that most do not want to show up!

A few that come quicky to mind….

~ Friend accompanying me to put my cat down~ Friends picking me up at the airport when my dad died
~Friend driving me to Michigan after my mom died
~My core friends showing up for my mom’s funeral so I would have my support team there
~Neighbors driving me home after a drowning accident happened with my dog Aspen 

Wow~ I did not realize they all would be around death of some sort, but they all are. These were low points of my life and having people there to support me in the ugly moments have been EVERYTHING to me!

When I was growing up, my grandparents decided that we could stop buying extravagant gifts for Christmas. We would buy Dollar store type of gifts and then use whatever we would have spent on others on things we would need.

My mom then followed suit by gifting experiences. I have asked my husband to do the same.

There is this belief that I have had since I was young which is ‘can’t take it with you when you go’ and so I love that my gifts are circled in love and compassion.

If you love gifts, there is nothing wrong with that in the least! I will not judge! 

So, what is your favorite gift you have ever received.

Much love,
Categories: Life Coaching