What is your greatest challenge?

For me it used to be having to face a world where my mother no longer was living. That was 11 years ago now!

Then I went and left the social norm to quit my job and go travel. It led me to the Camino de Santiago. 

Several people would tell me that I was courageous. What they did not get was that I had been and have been living past my greatest fear. 

Now the fears I have can seem small to some but are stumbling blocks for me. Public speaking is one of those challenges.

I am proud to say I was able to do that this weekend! I was given the opportunity to speak for the first time in front of strangers talking about Energy Leadership!

Was it flawless. No! But it was another opportunity to walk through my fear.

So again, what is your greatest fear/challenge? What are you doing to walk through it? 

Do you have support? Or are you actively choosing to stay stuck in not moving forward?

When we navigate the world on our own, there is a chance that we will eventually get there. However, when we are supported within community or other another avenue such as coaching, we are able to move ahead without the voices in our heads holding us back.

So rather than asking you what your greatest fear is, what is keeping you from moving forward?

Much love,
Categories: Life Coaching