When I got my coach training at iPEC, this is one of their core principles. You cannot make a mistake.

Initially, I was like ‘ummm, yes, I can. I do all the time!’

However, when they went to explain that mistakes happen in the past. Meaning it has already occurred. You cannot do a thing to change it.

This frees you up to know that you cannot make a mistake. You did the best that you could with the knowledge you had at the time. When you know better, you can do better.

But have you spent minutes, hours, days, months or longer thinking about how you would change it? I know that I have.

What wasted energy to overthink something that you actually can do NOTHING about. And we ALL do it!

When you can understand this principle ‘you cannot make a mistake’, it will free you. It will allow you to shift your energy to the present. WHAT A GIFT!

This week when you catch yourself over analyzing something in your past, give yourself the gift of letting it go and doing better next time.

Much love,


Categories: Life Coaching