Whether you know it or not, everything is a choice.

Even when you are not consciously making a choice, you are still making one!

Constantly clients will tell me of circumstances that are happening in their lives. I point out to them that by not taking any action that they indeed are making a decision.

A common phrase I hear is “I don’t know”. This shows me that you are not ready to make a decision. However, you are making a choice to take no current action.

It starts to become empowering when you start to CHOOSE! It is how you actually control how you want to experience life. Choosing the opposite is where you become disempowered since you become a victim to life’s circumstances.

Too often people fear that they will make the wrong decision, so they sit in the energy of analysis by paralysis. What we easily forget is that if we just choose, we can see if it works, or it doesn’t. Then move forward from there. We can then choose again based on what we learned by making the first decision.

However, we get fearful of making a mistake. As I have told you, you cannot make a mistake. That is in the past. You learn from what you did so you can make a better choice based on the data you have accumulated and move forward with the knowledge you now have.

Rather than being a victim to life’s circumstances, CHOOSE. Then choose again and again and again. And again! Keep consciously choosing.

It really is easier than we realize. We are the ones who complicate it and make it more difficult than it needs to be.

This week I challenge you to go out and consciously choose something that you stayed stuck in analysis by paralysis. Then let me know how you benefited from finally choosing to move forward.

Much love,
Categories: Life Coaching